Nice Ass!

Recently we went walking near the Dutch city of Ommen with our friends Margo and Frits. As you know, we usually carry lightweight backpacks, but it was a chilly day so besides a picnic, we also had flasks of tea and extra coats. Frits was kind enough to carry all our baggage. He is immensely … Read more

Abcoude update

Update to our Abcoude walk: Sadly, we have to report that walking the short distance to Anna Haen to buy your picnic (or eat their fabulous products on the spot) is no longer an option. They seem to offer cooking classes and meeting space, but there is no farm shop open to the public. Our … Read more


Luxembourg You never meet anyone who emigrated from Luxembourg. This could be because its population is so small (just over half a million) so the odds of meeting one of them outside the country are simply very slim. On the other hand, perhaps they know something we don’t, and so they never leave. It has … Read more

About the bowtie…

We thought, and still think, that the name Boots and Bowtie neatly conveys the combination of quality food and drink and wholesome physical exercise. It has recently come to our attention that some people consider a bowtie an indication that a man is harmless, maybe even sexually harmless, all right, impotent. We would like to … Read more